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Using Chrome as your browser? Having trouble downloading?

Some Chrome users have reported that they when they click the button above to download a file, nothing happens. That's a security "feature" of Chrome: By default, it blocks downloads. Here's how Chrome users can temporarily turn off the blocker:

  1. Open Chrome and click the three-dot menu at the top right of the window.
  2. In the drop-down menu, choose "Settings."
  3. On the Settings page, in the "You and Google" section, click "Privacy and Security."
  4. In the Privacy and Security section of the main page, click "Security."
  5. In the Safe Browsing section, click "No protection (not recommended)" to turn the feature off.
  6. Click "Turn off" in the pop-up to confirm you want to do this.
  7. Download the file that was blocked.
  8. After the download is complete, don't forget to restore your security settings by repeating steps 1-5 but choose "Enhanced" or "Standard" protection—whichever level of protection you had before making the change.

Don't want to deal with security settings just to download a file? Use another browser: Microsoft Edge and Firefox are good choices.

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